Comox Valley Sewer Service Liquid Waste Management Plan
Comox Valley Sewer Conveyance Project
Sewage Treatment in the Comox Valley
Sewage Fees & Charges
What Are You Putting Down Your Pipes?
Septic System Education
Recreational Vehicle Sanitary Dumping Stations
Hudson and Greenwood Trunk Capacity Study
Sewage Treatment in the Comox Valley
The Comox Valley Regional District owns and operates conveyance and treatment of wastewater for the communities of Courtenay, Comox, K’ómoks First Nation and CFB Comox (19 Wing) on Vancouver Island.
Five wastewater pumping stations discharge wastewater to one of two forcemains that convey (or move) wastewater to the Comox Valley Water Pollution Control Centre (the sewage treament plant). This facility opened in 1984 and is classified is a secondary wastewater treatment facility. It is classified as a Level IV plant and its operators are certified under the BC Environmental Operators Certification Program.
Learn More
Please visit our bylaws page for applicable sewage system bylaws.
View the emergency spill response plan for the sewage system.