Bylaw Complaints

Bylaw Enforcement

Bylaw enforcement officers and other authorized persons investigate complaints received by the public regarding non-compliance and alleged bylaw violations. Complaints are responded to on a priority basis. 

For questions about Comox Valley Regional District bylaws not answered on this website or concerns regarding anonymity or hesitancy to make a formal complaint, contact the CVRD Bylaw Compliance Coordinator at 250-334-6057 or Contact Us.

How to Submit a Bylaw Complaint

A bylaw complaint is a formal written request to have an alleged bylaw infraction investigated by a bylaw enforcement officer. To ensure bylaw complaints and comments are responded to as quickly and comprehensively as possible, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) has created a complaint package for complainants to fill out and return.

Bylaw Complaint Form 

If you submit a bylaw complaint, know that:

  • Anonymity of the complainant will be maintained between the complainant and the alleged offender except where disclosure is required or necessary in a court of law. 
  • Completed bylaw complaint forms are treated as formal legal documents, even if sent electronically. See BC’s Electronic Transactions Act for more details.