- Your project could require additional planning approvals such as a development permit, variance, etc, which could affect the timing of your project. Check with the Building Staff prior to your building permit application.
- ALL supporting documents are required at time of application.
- Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- A separate application is required for each structure.
CVRD Building Permit Application
Items Required at Time of Building Permit Application
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Sewerage Filing or registered practitioner’s (ROWP) report, as applicable. (Note that the CVRD does not receive copies of these documents from Island Health) BC Housing New Home Registration form or Owner-Builder Authorization form BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Ministry of Environment schedule 1 site disclosure statement BC Energy Step Code pre-construction report Coastal floodplain assessment Plumbing permit application indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Sewerage Filing or registered practitioner’s (ROWP) report, as applicable. (Note that the CVRD does not receive copies of these documents from Island Health) BC Housing New Home Registration form or Owner-Builder Authorization form BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Assurance of Structural Compliance for Moved or Relocated Buildings completed by Professional Engineer Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Coastal Floodplain Assessment (required for proposed structures within 100m of the Strait of Georgia) Plumbing Permit Application
(required where any new plumbing or water supply/sewer connection is installed)indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Sewerage Filing or registered practitioner’s (ROWP) report, as applicable. (Note that the CVRD does not receive copies of these documents from Island Health) BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Assurance of Structural Compliance for Moved or Relocated Buildings completed by Professional Engineer CSA Certification Number / Manufacturer’s Specification Sheet Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Coastal Floodplain Assessment (required for proposed structures within 100m of the Strait of Georgia) Plumbing Permit Application (required where any new plumbing or water supply/sewer connection is installed) indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Sewerage Filing or registered practitioner’s (ROWP) report, as applicable. (Note that the CVRD does not receive copies of these documents from Island Health) BC Housing New Home Registration form or Owner-Builder Authorization form BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Coastal Floodplain Assessment (required for proposed structures within 100m of the Strait of Georgia) Plumbing Permit Application (required where any new plumbing or water supply/sewer connection is installed) indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) BC Housing New Home Registration form or Owner-Builder Authorization form BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Plumbing Permit Application (required where any new plumbing or water supply/sewer connection is installed) indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Sewerage Filing or registered practitioner’s (ROWP) report, as applicable. (Note that the CVRD does not receive copies of these documents from Island Health) BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Assurance of Structural Compliance for Moved or Relocated Buildings completed by Professional Engineer Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Coastal Floodplain Assessment (required for proposed structures within 100m of the Strait of Georgia) Plumbing Permit Application (required where any new plumbing or water supply/sewer connection is installed) indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Assurance of Structural Compliance for Moved or Relocated Buildings completed by Professional Engineer Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Coastal Floodplain Assessment (required for proposed structures within 100m of the Strait of Georgia) indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Construction Plans 1 set of drawings (sealed by P.Eng if applicable), including truss layout c/w concentrated loads (must be to scale with floor plan, elevations, foundation, roof details) Proposed Site Plan prepared by a BC Land Surveyor, or as per sample attached if BCLS plan waived by CVRD Title Search (dated within 30 days of application, including copies of registered covenants, easements and rights of way) (title search can be obtained by CVRD for a fee of $20.00; covenants, easements and rights of way at cost plus $5 each) Sewerage Filing or registered practitioner’s (ROWP) report, as applicable. (Note that the CVRD does not receive copies of these documents from Island Health) BC Building Code Letters of Assurance complete with proof of liability insurance from Professional Engineer Ministry of Environment Schedule 1 Site Disclosure Statement Highways Access Approval in name of current owner for all commercial/industrial and all properties accessing a numbered highway Hazardous Materials Declaration Required for any addition, alteration or demolition of structures Coastal Floodplain Assessment (required for proposed structures within 100m of the Strait of Georgia) Plumbing Permit Application (required where any new plumbing or water supply/sewer connection is installed) indicates required
indicates may be required - check with building official
Information provided on the permit application form is for convenience only, refer to CVRD Building Permit Bylaw.