Regional Growth Strategy
The Regional Growth Strategy is a shared vision for managing growth and community impacts in our diverse urban and rural neighbourhoods. It is a commitment made by the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD), the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox, and the Village of Cumberland to work together to promote communities that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable for generations to come. The RGS is implemented within each community through local Official Community Plans, Infrastructure Plans, and regulatory tools such as zoning.
Managing growth is more than creating urban boundaries, preventing urban sprawl and deciding where different land uses will be located. Managing growth is about putting growth in the right places in order to manage impacts on existing communities, protect agricultural and rural lands, and nurture ecosystems and habitat. By putting growth in the right places we can provide connected and efficient services and infrastructure.
The RGS represents eight goal areas:
- Complete Communities
- Food Systems
- Multi-Modal Transportation
- Health & Wellness
- Environmental Stewardship
- Climate Change
- Local Economy
- Growth Management
View the Comox Valley Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) Get to know your Regional Growth Strategy
Performance Monitoring Dashboard
The RGS Performance Monitoring Dashboard (PMD) focuses on the eight RGS goals of housing, local economic development, transportation, infrastructure, food systems, public health and safety, climate change, and ecosystems, natural areas and parks. Each of these goals have objectives associated with them, and the PMD monitors our progress towards achieving each objective. Some of the objectives are driven by local government action, but Comox Valley residents have the ability to impact many of them as well. We invite you to take a look at the dashboards and learn more about the goals and policies behind many land use decisions, as well as what steps you can take to help us achieve some of our goals.