Comox Valley Agricultural Plan
The Comox Valley Agricultural Plan (CVAP) has been helping inform the Comox Valley Regional District and stakeholders on agriculture since 2001. Over the last 20 years many of the CVAP recommendations were implemented or advanced. However, several recommendations have become out-dated. CVRD is in the process of updating and modernizing the CVAP.
Why is the CVAP being updated?
It has been over 20 years since the region led the development of one of the first innovative agricultural plans in the province, the Comox Valley Agricultural Plan, adopted in 2002. With the availability of funding in 2021 through the Investment Agriculture Fund, the CVRD decided that it was time to update and modernize the plan so that it reflects the current needs of the agriculture and food sector and current regulations.
What is the purpose of the CVAP?
The CVAP is a comprehensive agricultural planning document that focuses on the CVRD's jurisdiction and provides guidance in identifying opportunities to strengthen the regional agricultural sector and contribute to its long-term sustainability.
Why is the CVAP important to me?
This new, second generation CVAP is intended to build upon the old plan and to inform, guide and provide a framework for regional planning, decision-making and the CVRD’s administration of agricultural issues including regionally appropriate recommended actions that anticipate future changes and challenges the CVRD and partner agencies to pursue into the future. Through a new CVAP, it is the hope and intention that long-term resiliency and sustainability of the regional agricultural and food sector and the greater food system is strengthened allowing it to grow, flourish and prosper into the future.
Which CVRD service is conducting the update?
The CVAP update is being done by CVRD's Long Range Policy and Planning service, function 503, which is funded by the rural electoral areas. Upland Consulting of Sechelt was engaged in the spring of 2022 to help lead the agriculture planning process and to ultimately write the new plan. CVRD staff work closely with the consultant.
What has been done so far?
Phase 1:
- The 2002 Agriculture Plan has been evaluated, including its implementation to date.
- A Comox Valley Regional District Agricultural Plan Update Background Report was created to establish the context in which agriculture exists in the Comox Valley, including changes over time as reflected by census data.
- An Advisory Committee, comprised of 11 community members, was established to provide feedback and engage in outreach and promotion of the process.
- One on one interviews have been conducted with over 30 agriculture stakeholders.
- A Draft Interim Report was completed which compiles the work completed to date and outlines key themes emerging from Phase 1.
Phase 2:
- Focus group meetings and community workshops with the agriculture community were held on the key themes of land use planning, emergency planning, water and business vitality.
- A Final Interim Report was completed that brings together all of the research, engagement and analysis work done to date and provides direction for the drafting of the new and updated Comox Valley Agricultural Plan
Phase 3:
- The Draft Plan was approved by the Electoral Areas Services Committee in June 2024 and went out for public feedback until September 2024.
- The What We Heard: Engagement Summary Report was created to provide the details of all engagement activities and feedback received during the development of the Comox Valley Agricultural Plan from November 2022 to October 2024.
Have Questions?
If you have questions please contact us at 250-334-6000 or by Email
Next Steps
The final plan will be posted here once it has been approved by CVRD Board. Please check back in January.