In June 2022, the Royston Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) appeared as a delegation at an Electoral Area Services Committee meeting to raise concerns about unsafe conditions for children walking or cycling to Royston Elementary School. The CVRD Board passed a resolution directing staff to determine viable active transportation options and prepare a grant application through the Province of BC’s BC Active Transportation grant program.
CVRD staff engaged with the Royston Elementary PAC, staff at Comox Valley Schools, and the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition to better understand the challenges of the present conditions and how best to respond to them. Staff also have to work with the Ministry of Transportation and Transit, as the road right-of-way is within their jurisdiction.
The Royston Elementary multi-use path will improve safety conditions for pedestrians and cyclists in the area. While the final design is still being finalized, the path will extend from the Island Highway/Royston Road intersection to Royston Elementary School, traveling along the north side of Royston Road and the east side of Livingstone Road.

Related Staff Reports
The CVRD has secured grant funding in this project that will cover 70 per cent of the total project cost up to a maximum of $500,000. Remaining funds for the project will be provided through the Rural Parks and Greenways Service.
Staff are anticipating a 4 - 8 week construction window beginning September 2025.
Next Steps
Staff are in the process of having engineered, construction-ready drawings prepared based on the concept drawings used in the grant application. Once these drawings are prepared, staff will retain a contractor to complete the project and will provide further updates to the public through this webpage.
Updates will be posted as this project moves forward. If you would like to receive notifications about those updates, sign up here.
Project Contact
Dylan Thiessen, Planner l (Long Range) & Robyn Holme, Manager of Long Range Planning and Sustainability