The borrowing of funds to finance the project requires elector approval. This means the residents and property owners of the service area must give permission for the CVRD obtain a loan for constructing and equipping the new Mount Washington Fire Hall.
Bylaw No. 686 being “Mount Washington Resort Community Fire Protection Service Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 686, 2021” would authorize the CVRD to borrow an amount not to exceed one million four hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($1,425,000) to finance the costs of constructing and equipping a fire hall for the Mount Washington Resort Community Fire Protection Service. The loan would be paid back over a maximum of 30 years by the taxable properties within the Service Area. For a property assessed at $500,000, the increase in the annual property tax attributable to the borrowing is estimated at $123.
Bylaw No. 686 “Mount Washington Resort Community Fire Protection Service Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 686, 2021”
The CVRD Board is seeking participating area approval of the electors by way of alternative approval process (AAP) for the entire Service Area. An alternative approval process is a form of approval that allows electors to indicate whether they are against a local government proposal moving forward. Provincial legislation enables local governments to use the AAP to engage citizens about proposed bylaws or other matters requiring electoral approval. Formerly known as a counter-petition, the AAP requires that 10% or more of eligible voters sign and submit a form of opposition to the proposed initiative in order to prevent the local government from proceeding with the proposed initiative. The AAP provides electors with at least 30 days following the publication of notices to sign and submit an elector response form to indicate their opposition. For those electors that are in favour of the initiative, no action is required.
With respect to the Mount Washington Resort Community Fire Protection Service, the number of eligible electors has been fairly determined to be 542 and the number of elector responses required to prevent the CVRD Board from proceeding without the further assent of the electors is 54. The deadline for receiving elector responses for this Alternative Approval Process is Monday, April 11, 2022 at 4:30 pm. The AAP provides that the Board may proceed with adoption of the Bylaw unless, by the deadline, at least 10% (being 54) of the electors indicate opposition which would then require that the CVRD Board obtain approval by assent vote (referendum).
Public inspection of the bylaw can be made at the CVRD office (770 Harmston Aveue, Courtenay) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday, except holidays) and on the CVRD website.
Residents who live within the service area will be receiving addressed letters providing fulsome details of the project, electoral approval process and deadlines.