In February 2022, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and the City of Courtenay launched public engagement on a community-wide aquatics strategy to help shape the future of public swimming in the region for the next 25 years. Comox Valley residents and various organizations and stakeholders were asked to provide their feedback on aquatic facilities, including their level of satisfaction with current conditions, accessibility, and features. Public feedback was shared with the Recreation Commission in summer 2022. Read the What We Heard Report.
The strategy was developed in response to earlier Facility Condition Assessments completed for both organizations, which concluded that both the CVRD Sports Centre Pool and the City of Courtenay and District Memorial Outdoor Pool are nearing the end of their expected lifespans. The Aquatics Strategy is intended to inform the Recreation Commission in their consideration of capital infrastructure for community recreation services, and to ensure that long-term facility plans align with community expectations for aquatic services.
The draft strategy will be considered by the Recreation Commission as part of the 2023 strategic planning process, which will ultimately confirm the direction for the Capital Development Plan for the Recreation Service. The plan will take into account the long term recreation needs of the community and will include consideration of available resources to be distributed across all aspects of the service including aquatics, ice and playing fields.
Project Brief
Beyond defining a vision for aquatic services in the Comox Valley, the Aquatics Strategy will:
- Support the equitable access to facilities and services for all residents.
- Encourage increasing capacity and participation in water sports and activities.
- Ensure the efficient and effective use of resources.
- Render the aquatic infrastructure as environmentally friendly as possible.
Multiple inputs contributed to the Strategy’s development. The community itself played a major role with households, organizations, partners, and community builders all contributing through surveys and conversations.

Project Timing
Date | Details |
December - April 2022 | Research and community engagement |
April - December 2022 | Aquatic strategy under development |
July 2022 | What We Heard Report shared with the Recreation Commission |
January-February 2023 | Draft Aquatic Strategy shared with Recreation Commission and posted to website |
February - April 2023 | Draft Aquatic Strategy to be considered (along with all other capital requirements) as part of the Recreation Commission's strategic planning process. |
Spring 2023 | Recreation Commission to confirm direction for Capital Development Plan |
Have Your Say
Feedback on the draft Aquatic strategy was collected until March 6, 2023.
Next Steps
Following the Commission’s direction on a Capital Development Plan, staff will develop a roadmap that will provide the direction for the CVRD’s recreation facilities over the short and longer term. More information about how this will be shared with the community will be available later in 2023.
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