Stage 2 Water Restrictions Take Effect September 20

The Comox Valley Water System will move to Stage 2 Water Restrictions beginning Tuesday, September 20 to coincide with BC Hydro’s planned water flow reduction in the Puntledge River. These Stage 2 restrictions apply to the Town of Comox, City of Courtenay, and the Comox Valley Water Local Service Area.

Under Stage 2 Water Restrictions, watering days are:

  • Tuesday and Saturday for even numbered addresses from 6-8 am and 8-10 pm
  • Wednesday and Sunday for odd numbered addresses from 6-8 am and 8-10 pm

There are no sprinklers permitted for lawn or garden watering on Monday, Thursday or Friday.

Residents connected to the Comox Valley Water System rely on water drawn from the Comox Lake Reservoir. With the completion of the new water treatment project, the water intake has moved into Comox Lake instead of directly from the BC Hydro penstock, which means that BC Hydro maintenance and repair work will no longer affect the CVRD’s ability to draw water. However, the CVRD’s water use agreement with BC Hydro is still directly tied to water storage in the reservoir and Puntledge River flow. When BC Hydro reduces flow in the Puntledge as is the case currently, this change in flow automatically triggers a higher level of water restrictions for the water system.

The CVRD will be working closely with BC Hydro to monitor the situation and will update residents as needed. BC Hydro reduces the amount of water it releases down the Puntledge River to ensure there is enough water available to keep the river flowing optimally for fish habitat and migration until the fall rains arrive. For more information, visit

For more information about permitted activities under Stage 2 see the schedule below or visit

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

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Media Contacts:

Media questions about Stage 2 restrictions:

Marc Rutten
General Manager of Engineering Services
Comox Valley Regional District
Tel: 250-334-6080

Media questions about BC Hydro water management:

Stephen Watson
BC Hydro
Tel: 250-616-9888