On April 29, 2021 the CVRD celebrated the official opening of the Kirk Road stairs providing a critical link to the almost six kilometer Denman Island Cross Trail. The new stairs and trail connect the Denman West Ferry Terminal with the commercial downtown core of Denman Island.
Photo Caption: Andrew Pringle (DIRA Executive Member), Daniel Arbour (Director Electoral Area A), Laura Pope (DIRA Parks Committee Chair)
“The new stairs provide a safer pedestrian passage for the community from the Denman West ferry terminal to downtown Denman Island,” explains Electoral Area A Director Daniel Arbour. “We are thrilled to have worked so closely with neighbors and the local Denman Island Residents Association (DIRA) to make this project happen. Now the community has almost six kilometers of trail to connect the community.”
Funding for this initiative was proudly supported by the CVRD Community Works Funds. Community Works Funds are provided by way of a transfer of Federal Gas Tax Funds to Local Governments to provide a source of stable, predictable, and long-term funding towards environmentally sustainable infrastructure. The Comox Valley Regional District receives an allocation of funds based on the total population residing in the region’s Electoral Areas. The project was completed by a Denman Island contractor.
"The Cross Island Trail is part of Denman Island’s extensive network of public recreational spaces maintained mainly by volunteers on DIRA's Parks and Trails Committees and the Denman Conservancy Association. These new stairs at the west end of the Cross Island Trail will be maintained, along with the rest of the trail, by the DIRA Trails Committee and a local Denman Island contractor. We’re all grateful to the CVRD for the beautiful stairs and are looking forward to working with them to complete the rest of the trail linking the Denman Island West and East ferry terminals," states Ron Sheppard, DIRA Chair.
To learn more about the Denman Island Cross Trail visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/denmancrosstrail
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
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Media Contact:
Daniel May, Parks Technician