Indigenous Relations

Indigenous Relations Framework

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) has named Indigenous Relations as one of four strategic drivers, through which CVRD services are being delivered. To support Indigenous Relations as a driver, the CVRD adopted a framework in September 2019 to deliver core services with an Indigenous Relations lens and promote greater cultural awareness.

Some primary objectives of this framework include enhancing the knowledge and understanding of Indigenous culture and history, including the modern day legacy of colonial history; building capacity of all elected officials and staff to be engaged in collaborative work with Indigenous communities and people; and responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the United Nation’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Read the Framework

Advancing Reconciliation

The CVRD is committed to building its relationship with First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples and advancing reconciliation.  At its first meeting of 2021, the Board of Directors adopted a statement of reconciliation that will continue to guide the CVRD’s work with Indigenous peoples.

The statement formally recognizes the CVRD’s commitment to Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, as outlined in The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and several other key documents including The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and Sec. 35 of the Canadian Constitution Act

Read the Statement 

To assist in the development of meaningful mid and long term strategies and actions that support the CVRD's Framework and advance Reconciliation, the CVRD undertook an Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation Assessment in late 2021. This work summarized the CVRD's current policy and practices related to advancing reconciliation and identified a set of strategies and actions that could potentially be undertaken in the mid to long term. The review was based on desktop research to review actions and practices across Canada and abroad, as well as drawing on the experience of the report's authors, Dillon Consulting Limited, in working with Indigenous communities and various levels of governments.

Read the Reconciliation Assessment Report 

Reconciliation Advisory Table

A key recommendation from the Reconciliation Assessment Report was the establishment of an advisory committee that will help to guide local governments to undertake initiatives that are appropriate and meaningful to the Indigenous community.  In 2022, the CVRD, City of Courtenay, Town of Comox, Village of Cumberland, K’ómoks First Nation and several community Indigenous groups formed a Reconciliation  Advisory Table. This group is laying the foundation for its work and has issued an interim report to share with the community. Information and updates will be provided by the Advisory Table in 2024 as it advances its work in support of community healing.

Learn More About the Advisory Table


Each year, staff will report on specific activities undertaken to support Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation. Planned activities for 2023 include advancing the work of the Reconciliation Advisory Table, developing a staff training program and continuing to collaborate with K’ómoks First Nation on projects of joint interest. This work is funded through a combination of grants, general government administration and departmental budgets.