Stage 1 Water Restrictions

Even Address Odd Address
Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 5 am - 8 am and 7 pm -10 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 5 am - 8 am and 7 pm -10 pm on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.

Please note: stage 1 water restrictions automatically go into effect on May 1st every year.

During Stage 1 Restrictions:

A person may only use a sprinkler to water a lawn or garden growing on a property with:

  • An even numbered address – Between the hours of 5 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 10 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
  • An odd numbered address – Between the hours of 5 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time
  • Local governments may use a sprinkler to water parks, ornamental lawns and grassed boulevards between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am on even numbered days for even numbered addresses and odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.
  • Strata properties grouped under a single civic address should use their unit numbers to determine watering days in accordance with Stage 1 date and time restrictions.
  • Strata common areas may be watered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 5 am - 8 am and 7 pm - 10 pm as long as no more than half the area is watered on any single day.

An Individual May:

  • Water trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables with a sprinkler during the prescribed hours and days for Stage 1 watering restrictions and on any day at any time if watering is done using micro- or drip-irrigation, a hand-held container or a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
  • Water newly planted trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables by any method during installation and for the following 24 hours.
  • Under the authority of a permit, water new sod on installation and during the first 21 days after installation, and water newly seeded lawns until growth is established or for 49 days after installation, whichever is less, with a sprinkler but only during the prescribed Stage 1 watering hours, and at any time if watering is done using a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shutoff nozzle.
  • Water all-weather playing fields at any time if failure to do so will result in a permanent loss of plant material.
  • Wash exterior windows and building surfaces with water using a hand-held container or hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle. 
  • Wash a vehicle with water using a hand-held container or hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle and at car dealerships and commercial car washes.

Exceptions to Stage 1 Restrictions:

  • Owners or occupiers of property who, by reason of physical or mental incapacity, are unable to water their property within the restricted days and times, may water their property on any three days of the week for a maximum of six hours per day.
  • Nurseries, farms, turf farms and tree farms are exempt from the restrictions.
  • Local government water parks and pools are exempt from the restrictions.
  • Owners or operators of golf courses may water:
    • trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables grown on golf courses any day at any time if using micro-irrigation or drip-irrigation system, hand held container or a hand held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle or by any method during installation and for the following 24 hours; and
    • fairways, golf greens and tees on any day if failure to do so will result in permanent loss of plant material.