CVRD Seeks Public Input On Trail Head Facilities Near New Water Treatment Plant

With the location of the future water treatment plant off Lake Trail Road confirmed, the CVRD has launched an online survey to seek public input on proposed recreational facilities at the site, which offers access to Bevan Trail and the Puntledge Trail network.

The site offers the opportunity for installing a connecting trail and new facilities to make the trails even more accessible to the public. Examples of possible amenities include shelter, educational displays, drinking water, washrooms and parking.

To collect feedback about what the community would like to see, the CVRD is asking residents to weigh in with their opinions and ideas by responding to a short survey located at Feedback will assist in determining how to proceed with making this a safe and enjoyable space for users of this fantastic trail network that connects Comox Lake, Nymph Falls and Stotan Falls.

“We are incorporating these trail head facilities as part of our design-build process for the Comox Valley Water Treatment Project,” explained Charlie Gore, Manager of Capital Projects for the CVRD. “The feedback collected will be incorporated into the design plans for the new water treatment plant building and site. It is important that we hear from the community so that we can create amenities that will meet the needs of those who use the trails in the area.”

Copies of the survey will also be available at the CVRD offices – stop in, or phone 250-334-6000 to get a copy.

Feedback will be collected until February 25, 2019.

About the Comox Valley Water Treatment Project

Scheduled to be operational in 2021, construction of the new water treatment system is estimated at $110 million. The project will be funded through a combination of grants from federal and provincial governments, reserve funds and borrowing. The average cost to Comox Valley Water System users is estimated at $86 per household, per year, over a maximum of 25 years.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

Media contact: 
Charlie Gore
Manager, Capital Projects
Comox Valley Regional District