Headquarters Townsite Park



TimberWest/Couverdon has granted the Comox Valley Regional District a statutory right-of-way (SRW) for park purposes over nearly eight hectares along the east side of the Tsolum River.  The SRW was granted in September 2010 when creating lots for sale on the west side of the river.

The old concrete building at the entrance to Headquarters Townsite Park from Farnham Road was built as a rough timber mill in 1912-1913. Despite being fully equipped, however, the mill was never used for reasons that remain unclear. Some say the mill was only built so that the company could gain certain concessions from the provincial government. The recession of 1913 may have led the company to abandon it. Parts from the mill were later used to build a new mill in Courtenay. Entry to the building is not permitted so please stay on trails while enjoying the park.

*Historical information is based on "Island Timber" by Richard Somerset Mackie, March 2001


Headquarters Townsite Park is a mixed riparian forest along the Tsolum River that contains big-leaf maple, red alder and salmon berry.  A small area of old fruit trees remains just north of the swimming hole.  Second-growth Douglas fir, salal and sword fern grow further away from the river.

The park’s name reflects the fact that the land served as the base of Comox Logging between 1911 and the late 1950s. Although it is difficult to tell now, a fully serviced community once occupied the Headquarters Townsite Park area and lands to the east. There was a store, post office, blacksmith, hotel, dance hall, ball diamond, tennis court and 20 company homes in addition to the round house and repair yards for railway and logging equipment. The community even had its own orchestra, which played at Saturday night dances. This model town was first known as Fraserville and later called Headquarters.


  • 7111 Headquarters Road with entrances off of Farnham and Fitzgerald Roads
  • Puntledge – Black Creek (Electoral Area C)

Headquarters Townsite Park Trail Map

Park Etiquette

  • Leashing is optional
  • Swimming is at your own risk