Greenwood Trunk Sewer Line Construction to Begin Next Week

Construction will begin next week on an important stretch of a new gravity main that will reduce pressure on existing sewer service infrastructure.

This new sewer line will direct wastewater from East Courtenay and CFB Comox by gravity flow to an existing sewer trunk main along Knight Road. From there it will flow to the sewage treatment plant located on Brent Road, freeing up capacity at the Courtenay pump station.

The route starts at the eastern boundary of the City of Courtenay (Anderton Road) and ends at Military Row near the 19 Wing Comox. Construction will start at Snowberry Avenue and then move to Oceanspray Road, Belair Road and Ryan Road this summer. Construction on Ryan Road to Anderton Road will occur in the fall, with work ending at Rose Avenue, Hardhack Street and Military Row.

During this period, alternating one-way traffic can be expected intermittently. The project is expected to be complete in December.

This map shows the route of the new Greenwood Trunk line, to be constructed beginning in June 2018.

"The installation of this sewer line is an important step in increasing capacity in the Comox Valley Sewer Service and allowing for our region to grow,” said Charlie Gore, the CVRD’s Manager of Capital Projects. “While much of the work will be on right-of-ways away from the public, there will be periods of construction that are disruptive to drivers and residents in the area – we thank everyone for their patience as work moves forward.”

Construction progress will be posted regularly on the project’s web page, through social media and via mailed/email updates. Anyone interested in receiving these updates is invited to email

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.


Media Contact:
Charlie Gore
Manager, Capital Projects
Comox Valley Regional District
Tel:  250-334-6092