Solid Waste Management Plan Approved

CSWM Solid Waste Management Plan Approved 

The Comox Strathcona waste management (CSWM) service has officially received approval of the solid waste management plan (CS-SWMP) from the Honourable Terry Lake, Minister of Environment (MoE).
The SWMP is a guiding document that identifies how we will manage our waste now and into the future.  The plan prepared by AECOM Canada Ltd., dated December 2012, outlines enhanced waste and organics reduction, reuse and recycling.  After full implementation, the CS-SWMP is projected to achieve a waste diversion rate for this region of over 70 per cent. 

The plan that was submitted to the MoE for approval was the combined effort of 22 representatives who committed their time to the regional solid waste management committee – including community groups, local politicians, First Nations, local businesses, environment groups, industry professionals -- plus the region-wide public consultation process that happened in the spring of 2012.
In the CS-SWMP approval letter, the MoE places three conditions on the plan:

1. The Comox Valley waste management centre landfill lateral expansion may proceed in compliance with an operational certificate issued by a director.
2. The CS-SWMP proposes a feasibility assessment and conceptual design before possible future lateral expansion of the Campbell River waste management landfill and continued exploration and consideration of waste-to-energy technologies and costs before possible future inclusion in the plan.  Any such amendments must first be submitted and approved by the MoE before these or other possible future waste management options be authorized to proceed.
3. That the “Comox Strathcona waste management 2012 solid waste management plan” replace the previous CVRD SWMP. 

“The CSWM board wants to acknowledge and thank the public for participating with their feedback on the solid waste management plan,” said Edwin Grieve, chair of the Comox Strathcona waste management board.  “The input that was received was valuable in helping us to make decisions about the management of our region's waste and ultimately led to the endorsement of the plan by the Ministry.”

For a copy of the updated solid waste management plan and to review the approval letter from the MoE, visit