CVRD Recreation and Transit Team Up To Help Keep You Moving

The Comox Valley Regional District’s (CVRD) sports and aquatic centres have partnered with Comox Valley Transit to launch a customer appreciation campaign for the month of December. Monthly transit riders can bring in their expired November 2013 bus pass to the sports or aquatic centre to be eligible for a free one-time drop-in pass to use the pool, rink, or fitness facilities.

As part of the official launch of the promotion, residents of the Comox Valley are invited to attend a free "everyone welcome" skate at the CVRD’s sports centre, 3001 Vanier Drive on Wednesday, November 20 from 9:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Refreshments and prizes will be offered and limited skate rentals will be available.

"This is a great way to heighten awareness of recreation services offered by the CVRD, and to also show appreciation to our local transit users," said Manno Theos, chair of the CVRD sports commission. "We offer a wide range of drop-in classes and activities at various times throughout the day so residents can fit in a swim, skate or fitness centre workout."

"BC Transit is pleased to work with our partners at the Comox Valley Regional District on this exciting cross-promotion," said BC Transit President and CEO Manuel Achadinha. "We encourage incorporating transit with healthy lifestyle decisions that give our passengers greater opportunity to achieve overall wellness." Recent studies by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada have shown that utilizing public transit helps meet daily physical activity requirements as transit users tend to walk more, either to and from the bus stop, or on their lunch hour. Transit riders are being encouraged to utilize the sports and aquatic centres to achieve the additional activity time required to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

For information on the CVRD’s recreation activities and schedules visit and for transit schedules visit

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.