CVRD Supports BC Drinking Water Week

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and BC Water and Waste Association invite the community to support BC Drinking Water Week 2014, May 4 -10, by learning more about your water and what you can do to protect it.

In recognition of this special week, on Saturday, May 3rd, the CVRD will be at the Comox Valley Farmers’ Market from 9 a.m. to noon with an informative display including a watershed model and some free water-related giveaways.

“One of the best ways to celebrate BC Drinking Water Week is by thinking globally and acting locally,” said Marc Rutten, the CVRD’s senior manager of engineering services.  “You can act locally by valuing our water and understanding how to use it more sustainably. A great way to do that is to attend the community event to learn where your water comes from and to ask questions about this precious resource, our local infrastructure, and also about opportunities to take advantage of the 2014 water rebate programs.”

The CVRD also encourages people to go online and take the “Community Water Challenge”, a province-wide contest that asks people to pledge to make simple changes in their daily water habits. Those who make a pledge are entered in a draw for water-themed prizes that will be announced on June 2 on the BC Drinking Water Week website.  Take the challenge at .

For more information about the Comox Valley water supply and other related programs, visit

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.