CSWM Educator Wins Environmental Award

The Comox Strathcona waste management (CSWM) service would like to acknowledge the accomplishment and achievement of Gayle Bates, waste reduction educator, who recently won the 2014 Recycling Council of British Columbia (RCBC) environmental educator award.

The RCBC environmental award recognizes the valuable contribution that an individual makes towards preserving British Columbia’s environment. This year’s award was presented at the May 29th annual RCBC conference in Whistler.  Unfortunately, due to medical reasons Gayle was unable to be present accept the award at the gala.   

“No one gives more wholeheartedly, with more enthusiasm and devotion to the cause of waste education than Gayle Bates,” said Koreen Gurak, CVRD’s manager of communications. “The communities within this region have been truly inspired by the way she lives her life and the impact she continues to have on us all.”        

The Recycling Council of British Columbia recognized Gayle’s 15 year commitment to focusing on the highest power of “R” and that is to “rethink”. Gayle’s messaging always encouraged people to stop and think about their purchasing choices, with the goal of minimizing the process of generating waste in the first place. 

In addition to Gayle’s lengthy career providing waste reduction and waste avoidance education to students, community groups, and the general public, on a province-wide scale, Gayle has shown her leadership by taking on the facilitation of waste educator round tables at workshops and conferences and has supported other communities with on-site training. Gayle has also worked closely with the Coast Waste Management Association and her involvement and participation have been integral components of inspiring waste reduction programs in other communities. 

Gayle is taking the year off to focus on her health, however she is honoured by this recognition and cannot help but think of the continual need to get this important message out in the community.  For more information on local waste reduction programs, visit www.cswm.ca and for RCBC programs and initiatives check out www.rcbc.ca

The Comox Strathcona waste management (CSWM) service is a function of the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and is responsible for two regional waste management centres that serve the Comox Valley and Campbell River, as well as a range of transfer stations and smaller waste-handling and recycling facilities for the electoral areas of the CVRD and the Strathcona Regional District. The CSWM service manages over 100,000 tonnes of waste and recycled material and oversees a number of diversion and education programs.