Curling Centre AAP deadline tomorrow June 13

* Extracted from May 7, 2014 news release

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) board of directors is proposing to upgrade the Comox Valley curling centre facility at the CVRD’s exhibition grounds and is seeking elector approval to adopt a bylaw to borrow $1.9 million to perform the capital improvements. 

The curling centre facility is over 50 years old and main components of the refrigeration plant are well beyond their life expectancy and in need of replacement. Energy efficient building and mechanical upgrades will add an estimated 30 years of life to the CVRD facility and ensure that a multipurpose year round facility, with curling as its main focus, is available to the residents of the Comox Valley. 

Borrowed funds will be paid back over 20 years through tax requisition which is estimated to be $0.0138 per $1,000. “For a property assessed at $300,000 the cost would be $4.14 per year per household,” said Darcy Walters, senior manager of recreation facilities. “This amount would be in addition to the $103.32 that the same property currently pays annually for the Comox Valley recreation complexes service.” 

The CVRD may proceed with the adoption of the bylaw if fewer than 4,737 electors (10 per cent of the total number of electors within the CVRD, excluding Denman and Hornby Islands) within the service area sign and submit elector response forms opposing the CVRD board’s adoption of the bylaw. Otherwise, if 4,737 or more valid elector response forms are received, the CVRD board must obtain the assent of the electors by way of referendum if it wishes to proceed with the bylaw. 

In order to be counted, forms must be received in hard copy at the CVRD office at 600 Comox Road in Courtenay. Elector response forms are available on the CVRD website at and at the CVRD office and must only be signed by electors of the Comox Valley recreation complexes service area. The submission deadline for original signed elector response forms is Friday, June 13 at 4:30 pm. 

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.