Riding the Bus is More Rewarding Than You Thought!

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) has launched the In2Transit promotion to raise awareness about the Comox Valley transit system by celebrating those who get around by bus and by encouraging everyone else to do the same. 

The first promotion “out of the gate” for In2Transit will celebrate the 25th birthday of the Comox Valley transit system by giving away 25 passes to an exclusive “chalet” with premium views of the Comox Air Show.  The passes will be given out to random bus riders on the transit system’s birthdate, July 23, so make sure to ride the bus that day! 

Taking the bus can easily be a part of your transportation strategy as it can be combined with other modes of transportation and can be used in any weather. It can also reduce stress and give you time to catch up on things such as email, phone calls and texting. 

“It can be a fun way to travel with young ones who find the bus interesting and don’t appreciate car seats,” said Michael Zbarsky, CVRD’s manager of transit and sustainability.  “Besides, the Comox Valley has the best bus drivers – just ask any current rider!” 

The Comox Valley transit system is an effective method of transportation and has the potential to contribute to a more economically vibrant, livable, and sustainable community. The need to realize this potential in the Comox Valley is increasingly important due to factors such as climate change, population growth, an aging demographic, and availability of affordable transportation choices for individuals who do not have access to a private automobile or who do not wish to own or drive a private automobile. 

For information on other transit-related contests this summer, visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/in2Transit .  You can also follow the latest on Twitter at #In2Transit. 

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.