CVRD’s Clemmie’s Trail Officially Opens

Bruce Jolliffe, Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) chair and director for Baynes Sound-Denman/Hornby Islands (Area 'A'), Rod Nichol, CVRD director for Lazo North (Area ‘B’) and Edwin Grieve, CVRD director for Puntledge-Black Creek (Area 'C'), recognized and thanked partners and supporters as Clemmie’s trail officially opened October 30, 2015.

The trail extends the One Spot trail by 700 metres and trail users can enter the trail opposite Quinn stables on Condensory Road and walk north to the former start of the One Spot trail north of Cessford Road.  Finalizing the route and constructing the One Spot trail is one of the CVRD’s strategic priorities. 

“The first 525 metres of the trail was constructed on private land under a statutory right-of-way which property owner Marilyn Clements generously donated to the CVRD,” said Bruce Jolliffe, CVRD chair. “We are grateful as this allowed the extension of this trail to happen. It’s fitting that the trail be named after her.” 

“My grandchildren call me Clemmie,” said property donor Marilyn Clements. “I was involved in the planning stages with CVRD staff when a friend suggested we call it Clemmie's trail.  That worked since it is a connector trail to the One Spot Tail, and doesn’t fall along the original railway route.” 

Construction includes installation of a concrete bridge, fencing, 50 red maple trees and several culverts, signs and bollards. Completion of this extension will bring the One Spot trail to a total length of approximately 13 kilometres over three distinct sections. The trail provides for off-road pedestrian, horse and bike travel through the Dove Creek area. This portion of the trail will be open to pedestrians and cyclists in November and it is requested equestrians wait until the spring to begin use as this will allow the trail surface to settle, creating a better trail for long-term equestrian use.  

More information, and a location map of the trail, can be viewed at

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.