CVRD Adopts 2016 Budget

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) board of directors has unanimously adopted the 2016 budget that includes a total consolidated budget of $88.3 million (a net operating budget for the year of $59.1 million and total capital spending of $29.2 million). 

“2016 is going to be another exciting, busy year for the regional district,” explains CVRD Board Chair Jolliffe. “From watershed protection and water treatment solutions to the completion of the new Hornby Island fire hall, the projects occurring in our region are creating a more sustainable, livable community for all our residents to enjoy.” 

The consolidated budget includes three funds: general, water and sewer.  The 2016 budget reflects major projects underway in various services in all of the funds.  The table below highlights some of the activities:

New engineered landfill activities at the Comox Valley waste management centre $11.9 million
South sewer project to address failing septic systems in the core areas of Union Bay and Royston.  Community Works funds (Gas Tax) committed for treatment plant and collection system. $1.8 million
New Hornby Island fire hall construction $2.5 million
New Comox Valley Homelessness Service establishment  $165,000
Water treatment solutions report and design  $900,000
Watershed protection plan implementation  $125,000
Kelland Reservoir replacement  $850,000
Sewer infrastructure projects include Comox #2 pump station, HMCS Quadra forcemain replacement, Hudson trunk and asset management replacements. $4.9 million
Compost facility expansion $1.3 million

These are in addition to the regular services provided by the CVRD that include land use planning, fire protection, electoral areas parks and greenways, building inspection, drinking water treatment and supply, operation of the landfills in the Comox Valley and Campbell River, and recreation facilities.

Tax increases for CVRD services will vary between 1 - 2.5% in 2016 depending on your location within the region. In addition, residents will see increases based on the new homelessness service and solid waste management initiatives. The new homelessness support service taking effect in 2016 for the Baynes Sound portion of Area A, Area B (Lazo North), Area C (Puntledge – Black Creek), City of Courtenay and Village of Cumberland creates an increased levy for a home assessed at $300,000 to be approximately $5 for the year. As well, with the Comox Strathcona Waste Management service upcoming projects an average home assessed at $300,000 will see an estimated increase of $18 in 2016.

For more information on the 2016 budget and how it affects you please visit

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.