Emergency Preparedness week is coming up May 1 – 7, 2016 and the Comox Valley Emergency Program (CVEP) is encouraging residents to get prepared. This national event is coordinated by Public Safety Canada, in close collaboration with the provinces and territories and partners.
Preparing for a disaster means taking action now, such as creating an emergency preparedness kit for your home so you and your family can be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours. The Comox Valley Emergency Program offers educational sessions on personal preparedness to groups. Book a session by calling the CVEP office at 250-334-8890.
In addition to preparing your home and building an emergency kit, it’s also important to know the risks that could impact your community and the communities where you have family members living.
“At this time of year in the Comox Valley we could face an earthquake, or wildfires could occur in our forested areas or parks and quickly spread into surrounding neighborhoods,” said Howie Siemens, Comox Valley Emergency Program Coordinator. “With hotter and dryer summer weather, this may lead to higher risk of forest fires for our area as well as have an impact on the Comox Valley reservoir levels. Conserving water now will be important to ensure our fire services have the water supply they require for fire suppression when called upon.”
Download a copy of the PreparedBC: Household Preparedness Guide and the companion PreparedBC: Household Emergency Plan at www2.gov.bc.ca/PreparedBC. For more information about local emergency preparedness resources, visit http://www.comoxvalleyemergencyprogram.com/.
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.