Sandwick Waterworks District joining the regional water system

The Sandwick Waterworks District is disbanding and will convert its water supply and distribution services for electoral area B residents to the Comox Valley Regional District's (CVRD) regional water system effective on January 1, 2017. On the same date, Sandwick residents living within the City of Courtenay boundary will begin paying for their water services through the City of Courtenay.

City of Courtenay residents on Sandwick water will see their annual water bill included on their annual property tax notice beginning in 2017. Commercial and multi-family properties will be connected to water meters in 2017 and transition from an annual flat rate to quarterly metered billing in 2018.

Area B residents will be required to pay for the system modifications that are required to convert Sandwick to the regional water system. Without additional grant funding, the total cost is estimated at $4,902 per single family home. Payment options are available and the CVRD is communicating with residents about project costs and the billing process.

The City and the CVRD are working closely to ensure a smooth transition of the water supply conversion, and will be communicating directly with residents in their respective jurisdictions to keep them informed of project progress and impacts.

The Sandwick Waterworks District has delivered potable water to its residents since 1965. During their annual general meeting in 2013, the board of trustees supported a resolution requesting the CVRD initiate a study of the options and costs associated with converting to a regional district service. This request was based on challenges around water supply and sources, health authority regulations pertaining to surface water treatment and organizational capacity.

Three years later, the district decided to disband and convert to the CVRD service area. The CVRD approved the decision and the transfer date for the services was set at January 1, 2017.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.