Get Notified by the CVRD about emergencies

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is implementing a new, free emergency notifications service to keep residents and businesses informed in a timely manner. The service will issue prompt emergency notifications to landline or mobile phones through a text or voice message. Initially the service will focus on boil water notifications but will later be expanded to include all other types of regional emergency messages.

“We encourage all residents to sign-up for these emergency notifications.” explains Howie Siemens, Comox Valley emergency program coordinator. “This new system will help ensure residents and businesses be notified of emergency related events quicker.”

The free sign-up process is simple. Just go to Follow the steps outlined for setting up your account. Remember to choose both the community in which you live and the Comox Valley Water Supply System (boil water) notification lists. If you are not interested in receiving boil water notifications simply register for the community in which you live:

  • City of Courtenay
  • Electoral Area A (Baynes Sound – Denman/Hornby Island)
  • Electoral Area B (Lazo North)
  • Electoral Area C (Puntledge – Black Creek)
  • Town of Comox
  •  Village of Cumberland).

There are many residents within the Comox Valley that do not have access to a computer. If you wish to receive notifications but currently do not have a computer please call 250-334-6057 and we will help set up your account for you. All you need to know is the phone number you wish to use and the community in which you live. Callers will also be asked if they are part of the Comox Valley Water Supply System and if they would like to receive boil water notifications.

"Until construction of the new water filtration plant is complete, we may continue to experience boil water notifications.” explains Kristian La Rose, senior manager of water/wastewater services. “Signing up for our emergency notifications will allow residents to maintain awareness of when a boil water notice is issued and when it is lifted.”

For more information and to sign-up for free visit

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

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Emergency Notification Media Contact:
Howie Siemens, Comox Valley Emergency Program Coordinator
T: 250-334-8890

Boil Water Media Contact:
Kristian La Rose, Senior manager of water/wastewater services
T: 250-334-6083