The CVRD Board adopted the Seal Bay Nature Park and Forest Management Plan (2019) on February 26, 2019, replacing the 1998 Seal Bay Regional Nature Park and Forest Master Plan. The updated plan will guide the long-term future management of Seal Bay Regional Nature Park and Seal Bay Forest. Specifically, it identifies park values and uses, defines a park vision, provides management direction in terms of goals and actions, and identifies priorities for improvements for the next 20 years. The adopted plan is the result of extensive public consultation and review over several years.
Parks staff are working on short term priorities outlined in the plan including the Hardy Road parking lot for early summer, way finding signage by the end of 2019 and a horse-bike connector trail. Be sure to check back to this project page for updates.
The process to update the plan began in 2015 and has involved numerous public outreach efforts including in-park surveys, online questionnaires and two public open houses. Presentation boards from the 2016 open house and the 2018 open house along with survey highlights and key maps can be found below:
- 2018 Open House presentation panels
- Public Consultation Results (appendix III of the draft plan)
- Draft Management Zones Map
- Draft Trail Concept Plan Map
- 2016 Open House presentation panels
Purpose of the update
- identify the key natural features and values of Seal Bay Nature Park and Forest;
- determine appropriate types and levels of use and development;
- guide conservation and management of park ecosystems;
- identify management zones and present a zoning plan;
- present a trail concept plan;
- establish a long-term vision and identify strategic management goals and actions to protect the natural values, cultural values and recreation values for the next 20 years; and
- provide implementation strategies to achieve the management goals and objectives and guide day-to-day park operations.
Seal Bay Nature Park Features
Seal Bay Park (Xwee Xwhya Luq) protects 652 hectares (1,610 acres) of diverse plant and wildlife habitat and is one of the few remaining contiguous natural areas in the lower elevations of the Comox Valley. The park is roughly one and a half times the size of Stanley Park in Vancouver.
The park protects 80 to 90 year old second growth Douglas-fir and mixed forests as well as rare hardhack wetlands, coastal bluffs and one kilometre of marine foreshore. Dense stands of salal and sword fern can be found in the understory. On the ocean side of the park, deep ravines descend down to a cobble stone beach.
The park currently offers over 40 kilometres of non-motorized recreational trails providing easy access to a diverse variety of ecosystems. The trail system is a mix of pedestrian-only trails and multi-use trails (which allow for horses and bicycles).
Learn more about Seal Bay Nature Park
Contact Information
For questions/comments about Seal Bay Nature Park, fill out our online form.