Seal Bay Park - Parking at Hardy Road

Seal Bay Park has a new parking area

Construction of a new parking area off Hardy Road finished August 23rd and is open to the public. The old corner parking lot on Hardy is now closed.

The new parking area provides park visitors with:

  • parking for 62 vehicles
  • two universal parking stalls
  • three formal horse trailer parking stalls
  • a day use area with an outhouse and picnic tables
  • a 110 m new multi-use trail connection to the Horse/Bike Loop.

Project Watershed volunteers will plant in early October approximately 90 trees and 800 shrubs which BC Hydro generously funded through it's community Re-Greening initiative.

The new parking area completes one of the priortized action items set out in the Seal Bay Nature Park and Forest Management Plan. Funding for this project was made possible through Community Works Funds.

New park signage is being created for installation throughout the park in the coming months.

We welcome your feedback on this project and other changes at Seal Bay Park. Share you thoughts with Community Services at 250-334-6000 or through our online contact form.