Wood Stove Exchange Program Expands

More Comox Valley residents now have access to rebates from the wood stove exchange program as announced by the Province this week. Additional funding has been provided to the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) to not only continue administering the exchange program, but to provide higher rebates to homeowners that want to move away from wood burning all together and install a cleaner-burning heating source. 
Households with any wood stove manufactured prior to 2014 can participate in the program if they are switching to a new pellet, gas or propane heating appliance or installing an electric air-source heat pump. 
The rebate amounts are as follows:
$250 for exchanging a non EPA/CSA certified wood stove for a new CSAB415 wood stove 
$600 for exchanging a wood stove manufactured prior to 2014 with a new gas, propane or pellet stove
$1,000 for exchanging a wood stove manufactured prior to 2014 with an electric air-source heat pump
The CVRD wood stove exchange program is one of the first in BC to offer this type of exchange, along with the Alberni-Clayoquot and Cowichan Valley Regional Districts. Funding support for the Comox Valley wood stove exchange program has been provided by the BC Ministry of Environment, the BC Lung Association and Island Health. The Comox Valley Regional District also contributes a top-up incentive to applicants upgrading to these cleaner-burning heating sources.  For additional information on program eligibility and how to apply, visit www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/woodstove.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

Media Contact:
Mike Zbarsky, Manager of Transit and Sustainability
Tel: 250-334-6037 or 250-218-4940