What Happens When You Flush?

Learn More & Help Plan the Future Sewer Service in Courtenay and Comox

The public is invited to learn more about the Comox Valley sewer service – how it works and its latest updates – and how the Comox Valley Regional District is planning for the future at a unique open house featuring tours of the local sewage treatment plant.

When:             Tuesday, November 6 or Thursday November 8
Where :           Comox Valley Water Pollution Control Centre (445 Brent Rd., Comox)
Time:               5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Both nights will include a drop-in style open house, with regular tours of the treatment plant happening throughout the evening. Come by and join one of the 25-minute tours – no pre-booking required.

Photo caption: The Comox Valley Water Pollution Control Centre, which is located at 445 Brent Rd.in Comox, treats sewage (wastewater) from businesses and residences in Comox and Courtenay.

“We’re starting an important planning process for the future of our sewer service and we want to increase public knowledge about how the system works,” said Kris La Rose, Senior Manager of Water/Wastewater Services. “We hope that with more understanding, the community will be interested in helping us to create a long term plan for sewer service in our community.”

The planning process for sewer service in Comox and Courtenay starts this fall. Public and technical advisory committees have been formed and will meet regularly in the coming months. At each stage of the process the public will be invited to provide comment/feedback via open house, facilitated sessions or online engagement at www.connectcvrd.ca.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.


Media contact:
Kris La Rose
Senior Manager, Water and Wastewater Services
Tel: 250-334-6083