The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is implementing a suspension on new water connections to the Black Creek-Oyster Bay (BCOB) Water System until at least fall 2022.
This measure is necessary to ensure that future development, most of which is planned for the Saratoga Beach area, can be accommodated without impacting existing water system users.
“We have reached out directly to individuals who have either applied or indicated an interest in applying for a development permit, so that they are aware of the situation, explained Kris La Rose, Senior Manager of Water/Wastewater Services. “We understand that a connection suspension is disappointing but this is a temporary yet necessary measure to ensure that our system is able to meet demand for those connected to the system and those who wish to connect.”
The BCOB system provides water to approximately 2,200 residents, which is sourced from three groundwater wells and a river infiltration gallery. With demand on the system increasing, the CVRD drilled a third well in 2021 with the hopes it would produce enough water to meet current and near term future development requirements in this area. However, anticipated production levels were not reached during this summer’s dry season.
Over the next year CVRD staff will explore, drill and test a fourth well to determine if water production targets can be achieved. New connections to the BCOB system will be suspended while this work is underway.
Exemptions to this suspension include:
- for construction of principal dwellings on vacant land that have been paying frontage tax;
- for property owners or developers that submitted development permit applications prior to October 2020, or building permit applications prior to November 16, 2021 (please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted), and
- for projects of key strategic value to the BCOB Water Local Service Area, such as partnership with a property owner for water system extension.
“We recognize that groundwater is sensitive to climate events and the last year has proven worrisome with drought conditions,” explained La Rose. “The CVRD is committed to a sustainable water system and these issues will be considered as part of the Water Master Planning Process that will be undertaken to assess the long-term demand and supply of water for the area.”
The BCOB system is one of five water systems operated by the CVRD. It includes the Macaulay Road and Kelland Road reservoirs and the Black Creek pump station. Planning to develop or expand on a property connecting to the Black Creek Oyster Bay water system? Read more or contact us at:
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
Media Contact:
Kris La Rose, Senior Manager of Water/Wastewater Services
Comox Valley Regional District