UPDATE: Boil Water Notice LIFTED for All Users of the Comox Valley Water System

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and Island Health have lifted the boil water notice effective immediately. 

The CVRD normally withdraws water from the Puntledge River through BC Hydro’s penstock (a large pipeline). At times, due to system maintenance or for operational needs, the CVRD must instead utilize its standby pump station downstream on the Puntledge River where water quality is less favorable - as was the case March 7 - 9, 2016. 

On March 9 in the late afternoon, the CVRD was able to move back to the regular intake for the Comox Valley water system.  The community should be aware that CVRD will be utilizing its standby pumping station when BC Hydro completes their work sometime starting next week so the turbine, that’s been out since March 3, can go back into service. Depending on river water quality at that time, the CVRD may need reinstate a boil water notice in order to protect public health. 

The water quality was not ideal through the watershed due to the storms going back to March 3, but because BC Hydro had isolated the water in the penstock from March 3-7, due to the shutdown, it enabled the CVRD to not to go on a boil water notice until March 8.   

Those areas affected by the boil water notice were the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox, and the Comox Valley, Arden, Marsden/Camco, Greaves Crescent, and England Road water local service areas.

Island Health guidelines recommends the following after a boil water notice has been lifted: 

  • Flush all water-using fixtures for one minute.
  • Run cold-water faucets and drinking fountains for one minute before using the water.
  • Drain and flush all ice-making machines in your refrigerator.
  • Run water softeners through a regeneration cycle.
  • Drain and refill hot water tanks set below 45 C (normal setting is 60 C).
  • Change any pre-treatment filters (under sink style and refrigerator water filters, carbon block, activated carbon, sediment filters, etc.). 

For up-to-date information and resources on the boil water notice, visit www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/boil

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.