Unified Alternative Approval Process Results Announced

The results are now in for the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Unified Alternative Approval Processes (AAPs). The 30 day response period for the AAPs ran from May 27 until July 5, 2021 at 4:30 pm.

Fewer than 10 percent of voters registered their opposition for the two new community facility services, the Saratoga Beach mosquito abatement service and borrowing for the Comox Valley sewer system conveyance project.  With the adoption of the respective bylaws, the CVRD can proceed with these initiatives.

However, the three proposed roadside garbage collection services in Electoral Areas A, B and C each received elector response forms from more than 10 percent of the voters. The CVRD Board will now decide whether to seek the voter approval for the rural garbage collection services by way of a referendum or abandon the initiatives at this time.


Number of
Eligible Electors
10% Threshold
(Eligible Electors)
Elector Response Forms Accepted Percent of Elector Response Forms
Bylaw No. 636 Baynes Sound Community Facilities Support Service Establishment





Bylaw No. 637 Puntledge North Community Facilities Support Service Establishment / Black Creek Community Centre Amendment


1,079 20 0.19%
Bylaw No. 638 Saratoga Beach Mosquito Management Service Establishment 1,083 108 24 2.22%
Bylaw No. 647 Comox Valley Sewer System Conveyance Project Loan Authorization 30,736 3,074 17 0.06%
Bylaw No. 648 CVRD Northern Garbage Collection Service Establishment 3,370 337 410 12.17%
Bylaw No. 649 CVRD Central Garbage Collection Service Establishment 10,678 1,067 1,630 15.27%
Bylaw No. 650 CVRD Southern Garbage Collection Service Establishment 2,361 236 370 15.67%

For those initiatives outlined above that received opposition from less than 10 per cent of the eligible electors, the CVRD Board will consider adopting the respective bylaws at its regular meeting on July 13, 2021. Further information about these services and initiatives, including their commencement, will be provided through subsequent staff reports and the regional district’s five-year financial planning process.

As the rural roadside garbage collection initiatives (Bylaw Nos. 648, 649 and 650) each received elector response forms from more than 10 per cent of the eligible electors, a staff report will be provided to the Electoral Areas Service Committee on July 12, 2021 to consider next steps, including whether a referendum will be conducted.    

Residents can learn more about AAPs by visiting: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/aap

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

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Media Contact:

James Warren
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer