The Comox Valley Water System will move to Stage 2 Water Restrictions beginning Saturday, July 1st in response to increasing drought conditions, high water demand, and strain on regional water infrastructure. These water restrictions apply to the Town of Comox, City of Courtenay, and the Comox Valley Water Local Service Area.
“We have seen near record use of water the past several weeks due to the warmer temperatures our community has been experiencing. On June 8th alone over 54,000 cubic meters of water was used which is the highest daily consumption rate we have seen within our system in the past 15 or so years,” explains Kris La Rose, Senior Manager of Water and Wastewater Services. “Water levels are severely impacted when hot and dry conditions continue, so it’s important for residents to remain diligent and continue to be thoughtful with how much water you and your household are using.”
Under Stage 2 water restrictions, lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 6:00 am – 8:00 am and 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm, on Tuesday and Saturday for even numbered addresses and Wednesday and Sunday for odd numbered addresses.
For more details about permitted activities under Stage 2, visit our Water Restrictions page.
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
Media contact:
Kris La Rose
Senior Manager of Water & Wastewater Services
Comox Valley Regional District
Media questions about BC Hydro water management:
Stephen Watson
BC Hydro