Royston and Black Creek-Oyster Bay Stage 3 Water Restrictions Effective August 3

Effective August 3rd, the Royston Water Local Service Area and the Black Creek-Oyster Bay Water Local Service Area will move to Stage 3 water restrictions.

“Restrictions for the Royston Water System and for the Black Creek-Oyster Bay Water System are to ensure sufficient water supply throughout the summer,” explains Kris La Rose, Senior Manager of Water and Wastewater Services for the Comox Valley Regional District. “Water systems in the Comox Valley operate differently from system to system and we will continue to monitor each system as the summer unfolds. Thank you to the Comox Valley community for continuing to preserve water and do your part in reducing water use.”

During Stage 3 water restrictions in Royston and Black Creek-Oyster Bay, residential lawn watering is not permitted at any time. Residents are also prohibited from pressure washing driveways and boulevards; filling a swimming pool, hot tub or garden pond; or washing a vehicle or boat other than in a commercial car wash or car dealership.

Residents are allowed to water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables on any day between the hours of 6 am to 8 am and 8 pm to 10 pm only if watering is done by a hand-held container, a hand-held hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle, or micro-irrigation/drip-irrigation systems.

For more information, visit our Water Restrictions page.

The Comox Valley Regional District manages six water systems within the region. Each system has its own requirements for increasing water restrictions depending on the availability of water within that system and other related factors such as storage and infrastructure. Residents are encouraged to minimize water use and conserve water to the greatest extent possible.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

Media questions about Stage 3 restrictions:

Marc Rutten

General Manager of Engineering Services
