Open Fire Ban In Place As Of Noon Saturday In CVRD Parks

In accordance with the provincial fire ban, due to dry conditions and rising temperatures, an open fire ban will be in place effective at noon on Saturday, June 27 until further notice.  

The Coastal Fire Centre implemented a campfire ban within the Coastal Fire Centre’s jurisdiction. In conjunction with this campfire ban, and consultation with local fire departments, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is banning all fires in its parks. 

Although the fires at these parks are in a controlled area in fire rings, the ban was deemed necessary due to the current extreme heat this summer season. This includes the CVRD’s Goose Spit, Little River and Joe Walker parks. 

The ban will extend through the summer until further notice in order to prevent human-caused wildfires and to protect public safety. Visitors to the parks are cautioned to be fire smart and to avoid smoking or leaving barbeques unattended. 

All other types of open fires remain prohibited throughout the Coastal Fire Centre’s jurisdictional area, including backyard burning or land-clearing burn piles. Burning barrels, burning cages, fireworks, firecrackers, sky lanterns and binary exploding targets are also prohibited. 

For more information about the ban, contact your local fire department or visit the BC Wildfire Management branch website at

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.