Changes to the BC Building Code that came into effect in late December will be the subject of a free information session on Thursday February 28 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., hosted by the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and held in the CVRD boardroom at 550B Comox Road in Courtenay.
The new BC Building Code introduced over 800 changes to building permit and plumbing permit requirements. The new code includes changes that encourage energy efficiency and sustainable, green, healthy buildings. It also includes more stringent seismic design requirements for houses, and new requirements for assisted living care housing. All property owners, contractors and developers applying for building permits will be doing so under the new code.
The BC Building Code applies to the construction of buildings, including extensions, substantial alterations, buildings undergoing a change for occupancy, “green” building specifications, and upgrading of buildings to remove an unacceptable hazard. It applies the core concepts of the National Building Code, combined with elements specific to BC's unique needs.
Although the session is free, space is limited, so anyone interested in attending must RSVP to Planning & Development Services or 250-334-6043 by Monday February 25.
An overview of the code changes can be found in a presentation on the BC Association of Building Officials' website: