The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is excited to announce the new Merville Firehall construction has begun. The CVRD provides the Greater Merville Fire Protection Service and has committed to construct, equip and operate a new auxiliary fire hall to be located at the Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society property at Williams Beach Road and the Island Highway. Once completed, this new fire hall will be managed in collaboration with Oyster River Fire Rescue.
The Invitation to Tender for the construction of the Merville firehall closed on June 24, 2021. As a result of this competitive process and on the recommendation of the project engineer, a Notice of Award was issued to Kinetic Construction Ltd. for a value of $1,317,123 excluding GST. Kinetic Construction Ltd. has started fire hall construction with completion anticipated by February 2022. As well, the CVRD awarded the construction of the new Merville fire engine to Fort Garry Fire Trucks and a fire service tanker truck both through a competitive processes this past spring. Anticipated delivery of the fire engine is approximately January 2022 and delivery of a fire service tanker truck was in June. The new tanker is currently stationed at the Oyster River fire hall.
Photo left to right: Pearl McKenzie (MARS), Electoral Area C Director Edwin Grieve, Electoral Area B Director Arzeena Hamir and Warren Warttig (MARS)
“I am happy to see construction of this long anticipated Merville Firehall underway. Not only will it bring better fire protection for buildings and property for many residents within Electoral Areas B and C but also, potentially, shorter wait times in the way of first responders in medical emergencies,” explains Electoral Area C Director Edwin Grieve. “This will allow more rural residents to be able to stay on their property and “age in place” in more safely. To the Merville men and women firefighters who have been training for certification over the past two years at the Oyster River facility, thank you. Soon you will have your own building and equipment. I greatly look forward to opening day.”
Volunteer recruitment is ongoing and having a full complement of volunteer fire fighters is essential for the hall to operate. Please consider becoming a volunteer firefighter. For more information on becoming a volunteer firefighter, please contact
To learn more about this project visit:
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
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Media Contact:
James Bast, Manager of Fire Services
Tel: 250-334-6044