Interested in Running for Office this Fall?

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) in partnership with the Village of Cumberland, Town of Comox and City of Courtenay, are hosting a free information session about becoming a candidate for office as a Mayor, Councillor or Electoral Area Director in support of this October's local government elections.

The information session will cover a range of topics including decision making in local government, what to expect if elected, roles and responsibilities of elected officials, responsible conduct and other relevant topics for individuals interested in running for elected office.  The session will be led by former Central Saanich Mayor and Councillor Allison Habkirk. Staff from the regional district and each municipality will be available at the session to provide information and answer questions.

Date:               Thursday, August 30, 2018
Time:               6 to 8 p.m.
Location:        Florence Filberg Centre, Rotary Hall, 411 Anderton Ave., Courtenay

Local government elections will take place on Saturday, October 20, 2018. The nomination period for candidates will open on September 4, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. and will close at 4:00 p.m. on September 14, 2018. Candidate information guides and nomination forms are available from each respective local government office.

Voters in Courtenay will elect one Mayor, six Councillors and two School Trustees, voters in the Town of Comox will elect one Mayor, six Councillors and one School Trustee and voters in the Village of Cumberland will elect one Mayor, four Councillors and one School Trustee. 

The Comox Valley Regional District is responsible for conducting the elections for three Electoral Area Directors, one in each of Electoral Area A (Baynes Sound – Denman/Hornby Islands), Electoral Area B (Lazo North), and Electoral Area C (Puntledge – Black Creek). In addition, the CVRD will also conduct voting for four Denman and Hornby Island Local Trust Area Trustees and for three School District No. 71 School Trustees, one in each of Electoral Areas A, B and C.

For more information about this year's elections visit:

Comox Valley Regional District

City of Courtenay

Town of Comox

Village of Cumberland

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Media Contact:
Jennifer Steel, Manager of Corporate Communications
Comox Valley Regional District