HMCS Quadra Sewer Forcemain Project on Hold Until September

Construction of the HMCS Quadra sewer forcemain replacement project and pump station retrofit is on hold and will resume in September, to avoid any disruption to the public and HMCS Quadra over the busy summer months.

The new HMCS Quadra forcemain will follow an inland route along Hawkins Road and, once complete, will tie-in to the existing Town of Comox sanitary sewer system at the intersection of Hawkins and Torrence roads. The existing forcemain runs through the estuary and is at risk of failure due to age.

The replacement project, estimated to cost $1.6 million, is funded by the Department of National Defence's capital assistance program. Once the project is complete, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) will own and operate the forcemain and pump station.

The prime contractor, Hazelwood Construction, is using horizontal directional drilling to install the forcemain. This method eliminates the need for full road excavation – allowing for quicker installation and thorough protection of the sensitive habitats. Directional drilling requires only small sections of road to be opened up, with tunneling used beneath the road to insert the new pipe.

“The new forcemain was successfully installed in two locations along the inland route using the directional drilling method,” explained Kris La Rose, the CVRD’s Senior Manager of Water and Wastewater Services. “However, the drilling rig experienced difficulties with ground conditions along Goose Spit Park, prompting schedule delays and a review of the proposed construction methodology along this particular section."

All facilities affected by the construction to date will be remediated to a sufficient level for summer use.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

For more information about the HMCS Quadra Forcemain Replacement Project, please visit:

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Media contact:
Kris La Rose, P. Eng
Senior Manager of Water and Wastewater Services
Comox Valley Regional District
Tel:  250-334-6000