Gain New and Rewarding Skills Volunteering With Local Emergency Program

Gain new and rewarding skills volunteering with Emergency Support Services and the Emergency Radio Communications Team.  Learn more at the Comox Valley Emergency Program’s (CVEP) volunteer information session on Thursday, January 24 from 7- 8 pm, followed by an informal meet and greet until 8:30 pm. The session is being held at the CVEP office at 3001 Moray Avenue in Courtenay.  

Learn how you can help communicate in an emergency. In a disaster that is severe enough for regular communications to fail, CVEP has plans in place and the technical capability to use radio to provide critical communications. Local HAM radio operators who volunteer with the program handle these vital responsibilities. Other HAM radio operators in the community help their friends and neighbours by getting messages to loved ones far away and by reporting information from their immediate area.

CVEP volunteer, Fred Muzin, has worked with the Emergency Support Services team for the past two years. “Even though we are fully trained, fortunately we have been spared natural disaster events in the Comox Valley. As a level one team, we assist with house fires when requested by the firefighters. Our team has also assisted evacuees transferred here from wildfires in the interior of BC and last summer we provided support for an extended period for evacuees from the Zeballos wildfire,” he stated.
“As well as meeting new folks, although under difficult circumstances, it feels good to be able to give back to the community, especially to those who are at a loss as to what to do next,” he added.
If helping with radio communications support, evacuees and emergency operations interests you, be sure to attend this session. Volunteer training is free of charge for all active volunteer members. The minimum age is 16, however volunteers 16 to 18 years require parent/ guardian consent.
For more information about this session as well as an upcoming training opportunity for HAM radio enthusiasts considering getting their amateur license, visit
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
Media Contact:
George Doerksen
Deputy Emergency Program Coordinator
Tel: 250-334-8890