Fanny Bay Fire and Fanny Bay Waterworks Work Together to Conserve Water Due to Critical Water Shortage

The Fanny Bay Fire Department has implemented a complete fire ban due to concerns from the Fanny Bay Waterworks Improvement District of a critical shortage of water this summer because of the current drought conditions on Vancouver Island.

“We are a major water user of the system and as a fire department we are committed to a number of operational changes that will reduce water usage,” said Fanny Bay fire chief Mike Smith. “One key commitment is that we institute a complete fire ban, which includes campfires, to mitigate the risk. In support of further water conservation we have instituted several water re-use procedures which we are using for training exercises.”

Fanny Bay waterworks can’t predict the amount of water available and therefore can’t guarantee an adequate flow of water at the fire hydrants, or a continuous supply of water for firefighting or other activities. The water supply in this area is subject to rainfall and melting of the accumulated snow pack and for the last few years this has decreased the supply of available water. 

For more information on water restrictions, and how you can do your part to save water, visit: Fanny Bay Community Association waterworks

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.