Emergency Program Awarded Grant for Regional Evacuation Planning

The Comox Valley Emergency Program, administered by the Comox Valley Regional District, has been collectively successful in a regional grant application for the Comox Valley Regional Evacuation and Public Notification Planning project.

This project supports regional and mutual aid partners to co-develop evacuation plans and public notification systems that are grounded in traditional knowledge and technical data. This knowledge will support numerous project partners to work collaboratively on identifying, developing and informing regional communication and geographical pathways that support the safe movement of those who live, work, and play in the area.

Regional quotes:

City of Courtenay
“Given the emergency management planning issues we face in the Comox Valley, regional coordination is key to an effective response. As we see across the province right now, well-planned evacuation routes and proactive communication are essential to respond and protect our residents when emergencies happen. This grant will allow us to get the data we need to proactively plan our evacuation routes and develop processes for effective messaging to the public within our region.” 
– Acting Mayor Will Cole-Hamilton

Comox Valley Regional District
“A significant portion of the grant will go towards filling gaps in regional LiDAR data to provide us with a clearer and more fulsome view of the shared regional landscape. In the face of extreme weather and climate change, this information will improve our collective operational readiness while informing adaptation and mitigation strategies.”
– Chair Jesse Ketler

K’ómoks First Nation
“K’ómoks First Nation has prioritized Emergency Management Planning as part of our five-year Strategic Plan. One of these focus areas includes Flood Response and Mitigation planning and preparedness, both for the Nation and with our neighbouring partners. This joint funding will support a collaborative approach to regional disaster risk reduction because as we are all aware, hazards do not respect jurisdictional boundaries."
– Carol McColl, Lands Manager and Emergency Planning Lead

Town of Comox
“Comox is supported by limited access routes and would be significantly impacted in the event of a major emergency. By continuing to work collaboratively, we are grateful for the funding support to enhance our resiliency in responding to emergencies and build upon our regional emergency planning work.”
– Mayor Nicole Minions

Village of Cumberland
"As a partner in the regional Emergency Program, the Village of Cumberland is eager to participate in this project that will help us be better prepared to keep residents of the Comox Valley safe during emergencies with improved emergency alert systems and evacuation route planning.” 
– Mayor Vickey Brown

The Comox Valley Emergency Program is administered by the Comox Valley Regional District in partnership with the City of Courtenay, Village of Cumberland, Town of Comox and K’ómoks First Nation to provide emergency management services and support to the region.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities operating on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of the land. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on providing sustainable services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

News Release - BC Government

Media Contact:

Cari McIntyre
Emergency Planning Coordinator
Comox Valley Emergency Program