This Emergency Preparedness Week Get Notified

The Comox Valley Emergency Program is encouraging residents to register for free local emergency notifications. The “Get Notified” Connect Rocket system is a free, subscription-based service that allows local governments to distribute local emergency alerts. Registration is required to receive these emergency alerts.

“As a way to help promote residents to go and sign up,” explains Howie Siemens, Comox Valley Manager of Emergency Programs, “all current and new subscribers will be entered to win one of five home emergency kits. It is important to remember that this system is there to help keep our community informed in a timely manner when public health and safety are at risk. It is one more tool in our tool belt. We can’t notify you if you have not subscribed, so make sure you sign up today. If you already have an account please login to ensure your contact details are correct.”

The registration process is simple. Go to and follow the steps outlined for setting up your account. Make sure to register for emergency notifications for the communities in which you live, work and play. Notifications are delivered directly to mobile and landline phones.

There are many residents within the Comox Valley who do not have access to a computer. If you wish to receive notifications to your mobile device or landline, but currently do not have a computer, please call 250-334-6000 and we will help set up your account for you. All you need to know is the phone number you wish to use and emergency notifications list(s) you wish to subscribe to.

The emergency notification lists to sign up for include:

  • Baynes Sound (Electoral Area A)
  • City of Courtenay
  • Denman/Hornby Islands (Electoral Area A)
  • K’ómoks First Nation
  • Lazo North (Electoral Area B)
  • Puntledge – Black Creek (Electoral Area C)
  • Town of Comox
  • Village of Cumberland

Currently the Canada-wide “Alert Ready” service has not been adjusted by the Province of BC to be used directly by local governments. At this time Emergency Management BC only uses it for Tsunami push notifications to mobile devices.

The Comox Valley Emergency Program, is administered by the Comox Valley Regional District in partnership with the City of Courtenay, Village of Cumberland, Town of Comox and K’ómoks First Nation to provide emergency management services to the region.

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities operating on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of the land. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on providing sustainable services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley

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Media Contact:

Howie Siemens
Manager of Emergency Programs
Tel: 250-334-8890