Emergency Operations Centre Announces Comox Valley Virtual Recreation Guide Now Available

The Comox Valley Recreation Guide will have a different look this summer. Recreation facilities in Comox, Courtenay, Cumberland, and the Comox Valley Regional District have been closed since March 16 to help limit the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As each jurisdiction adapts their operations to meet provincial health requirements, the quarterly Comox Valley Recreation Guide has gone virtual.

“Each of our Comox Valley local governments has posted up-to-date recreation information on their websites,” explains CVRD Board Chair and EOC Spokesperson Jesse Ketler. “Our Comox Valley local governments are adapting to our ‘new normal’, and are adjusting operations to stop the spread of COVID-19. We are all working together on a common goal: to keep our communities safe. This means ensuring that our recreation facilities and programs are able to meet all necessary health and safety requirements for both the public and our staff before we reopen them.”

Residents are encouraged to visit each local government website to view individual recreation program offerings available this summer.

For any programs and services provided, significant changes have been required to ensure physical distancing requirements are met. Each Comox Valley jurisdiction has unique considerations for programs and facilities.

Program participants are reminded to follow physical distancing measures by staying two metres apart from anyone outside of your household, avoid unnecessary touching of surfaces, and to stay home and self-isolate if you are ill.

Residents are encouraged to please follow the CVRD social media channels @comoxvalleyrd on Facebook and Twitter, as well as visiting the CVRD website www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/covid19 to remain up to date on accurate information. All Comox Valley local governments are centralizing regional COVID-19 information through these channels. The Emergency Operations Centre is standing by to support the lead agencies, Ministry of Health and Island Health, if requested at the federal and provincial level.

The Emergency Operations team with representatives from the DND/19-Wing Comox, K'ómoks First Nation, CVRD, City of Courtenay, Town of Comox, Village of Cumberland, Fire Chiefs Association, and many other external agencies and organizations are working together to collaborate on response measures and best practices for the region.

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Emergency Operations Centre Spokesperson:

Jesse Ketler, CVRD Board Chair and Cumberland Councillor
Phone: 250-898-9085