At its November 26 board meeting, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) directors endorsed a plan to evaluate odour issues at the Comox Valley water pollution control centre (CVWPCC).
The CVRD has received odour-related complaints, however a policy adopted in 2006, “Expenditure of funds for odour control”, directs staff not to spend further funds in relation to odour at the CVWPCC unless staff become of aware of new control technology or operating procedures that could result in a reduction in odours or when the level of odour is increasing.
Contingent on budget approval in March 2014, staff will complete an evaluation of the existing odour control equipment and practices at the CVWPCC which will include performance testing, an audit of operational and maintenance practices, a review of technologies and the development of a monitoring system to ensure odour control performance. In addition, to ensure odour complaints are consistently managed and monitored, a tracking system will be designed and implemented. The allocated budget amount for these programs are approximately $50,000 for the 2014 fiscal year.
“Although the CVRD does an excellent job of operating and maintaining the odour control equipment, these new measures such as the monitoring system will help to ensure that the equipment continuously meets its performance objectives,” said Tom Grant, chair of the CVRD’s sewage commission.
The CVRD has taken significant measures to investigate and implement programs to improve odour-related issues both at the plant and in the surrounding community. These programs include a wet chemical scrubber system to capture and treat odourous gases from process equipment and the relocation of the compost facility to a remote off-site location.
To review the staff report on odour-related issues at the CVWPCC and the programs that are recommended under the 2014 proposed budget, visit
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.