CVRD Releases Rethink Comox Valley Plan in Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 has impacted all aspects of our lives, including the local government services that Comox Valley residents depend on like recreational facilities, parks, essential infrastructure and planning services.

Following a thoughtful review of its services, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) board has approved the Rethink Comox Valley plan, which outlines the key actions the CVRD will undertake to aid in community recovery during the pandemic.

Highlights include:

  • Supporting vulnerable populations through funding and grants
  • Reducing spending by more than $750,000 on CVRD services this year
  • Planning to save $800,000 in solid waste operating costs over the next two years
  • Implementing innovative recreation programs
  • Improving community collaboration on Emergency Response
  • Implementing protocols to keep staff and the public safe at CVRD facilities
  • Moving some services online

“The Rethink Comox Valley plan is a step along the path to continued effective and efficient service delivery and the priorities we have set now will help define our budgets for the next year and beyond,” said CVRD Board Chair, Jesse Ketler. “These are uncharted waters for all of us. We are committed to working with our partners to collaborate and respond to community priorities as we navigate through this pandemic together.”

All actions in the plan are driven by the CVRD’s key drivers of fiscal responsibility, community partnerships, indigenous relations and climate crisis, environmental stewardship and protection.

To read the plan or watch a video about it, visit:

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

Media Contact
James Warren, Deputy CAO
Comox Valley Regional District