The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) board of directors has elected Edwin Grieve as its chair and Jon Ambler as vice-chair. They will serve in these positions for the next year.
This will be the fourth term as chair for Grieve, who was elected at the inaugural board meeting today. The chair, along with the other nine directors, oversees the activities and services that the regional district delivers to its nearly 64,000 residents.
"We have achieved much by working together, and focusing on benefits for all our residents – rural and urban – and that is how we will have success in the future,” said Grieve. “We will continue strong fiscal management, balancing costs with the need to provide good service to our residents. Good discussion leads to good decisions, and that’s what we need to continue as we move forward"
Directors serve for a three-year term, and the directors elect the chair and vice-chair position each December. Municipal mayors and councillors appoint directors from their areas to sit on the CVRD board, and the elected representatives from the electoral areas make up the other CVRD board members. Grieve represents Puntledge-Black Creek (Area ‘C’) as director, and Ambler is a councillor from Courtenay.
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.