Following the results of the recent Unified Alternative Approval Process (AAP), the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board has decided not to further pursue establishing a rural roadside garbage and recycling collection service at this time.
The CVRD sought elector approval to establish a waste collection service for rural residents, split into three service areas through the AAP, which closed July 5, 2021. This process allowed for residents and homeowners to submit an elector response form in order to voice their opposition.
Approval was not obtained through the AAP, as more than 10 per cent of the eligible electors submitted opposition forms within all three proposed service areas, with the results ranging between 12 and 16 per cent. While the CVRD has the ability to hold a referendum within 80 days of closing the AAP in order to further pursue the proposed service, the Electoral Area Directors have weighed the options and do not feel it is in the best interest of the community to hold a referendum at this time.
“We’ve received strong feedback from residents, and we’ll be taking this time to reflect on what was shared with us,” said Electoral Area Services Committee Chair Director Hamir. “Our waste reduction goals are still incredibly important, and we’ll continue to work with rural communities on solutions to keep waste out of the landfill and increase diversion through recycling and composting.”
Earlier in the spring, public engagement was conducted to inform residents on the proposed collection service. This generated a significant amount of discussion within the community, indicating the service did not have widespread community support.
“We want to thank rural residents for taking the time, not only to express their concerns through the AAP process, but throughout our community engagement efforts as well,” added Marc Rutten, General Manager of Engineering Services Branch for the CVRD. “We heard a wide range of perspectives on this topic, and responded to hundreds of questions from engaged citizens, both for and against the proposed service.”
The engagement report and details of the CVRD Board decision are available on the Rural Roadside Garbage and Recycling Collection engagement page at
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
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Media contact:
Marc Rutten
General Manager of Engineering Services Branch
Comox Valley Regional District
Tel: 250-334-6080