CVRD continues with SSP following Cumberland's decision to end participation

Comox Valley Regional District continues with south sewer project following decision by Cumberland to end participation.

The Comox Valley Regional District’s (CVRD) south sewer project team remains committed to moving forward with a community wastewater system for Royston/Union Bay residents, building on the work to date and continuing in partnership with the K’ómoks First Nation.

“We remain committed to the south sewer project and moving forward with our First Nations partners to find a solution for the residents of electoral area ‘A’,” said Kris La Rose, manager of liquid waste planning. “We will continue to build on the extensive work and engagement already undertaken to move this project forward in a timely manner that can meet grant timelines.”

While the CVRD is awaiting final notification of the decision by the village, the CVRD respects Cumberland’s choice to re-examine their liquid waste management plan (LWMP), and wishes them the best in finding a solution that is acceptable.

Residents in the community and specifically those in the proposed service areas can watch the project webpage ( for updates in the coming weeks, including full details about an upcoming project open house to be held this winter.

Any questions can be directed to the south sewer project office by filling out our online form, phoning 250-871-6100 or stopping in during open office hours at the Royston office (3843 Livingstone Rd.) on Thursdays from 1 to 4 pm.